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DWO Nopal hosts the presentation of Phe Festival 2023

The hotel in Puerto de la Cruz becomes the venue for the press conference of the Phe Festival, the local summer event of reference

figura de fondo

The Rooftop terrace of the DWO Nopal hotel was the location for the official presentation of this trendy festival, which this year celebrates its 8th edition and of which DWO Nopal has been a partner on previous occasions.

The informative event was attended by representatives of the organisation, the director of the festival, Ulises Salazarm, the head of sponsorship of the event, Sara Encinoso, and on behalf of the town council, the mayor of the town, Marco González, and the new councillors of Tourism and Culture, Lope Afonso and José Carlos Acha.

The informative meeting took place in a unique enclave from which the highlights of the town can be seen. Key landmarks such as the church of Nuestra Señora de la Peña and the majestic Teide form the skyline of the destination. In this setting, Phe Festival has shown its commitment this year to urban expressions, following the line of its support for culture in its various origins, while preserving the essence of Puerto de la Cruz. The perfect combination of tourism and local culture.

Once again, DWO Nopal shows its commitment to local initiatives and collaborates with the Phe Festival, which according to El Observatorio de La Cultura national, is "the cultural flagship" and "the best event in the Canary Islands".

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